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I think you shot yourself in the foot with this 1

im not saying its bad. I like it, but i think you went a bit overboard with the females. so many of them, and all fine toned and stuff.
Yeah it makes sense, the males go to fight and the females stay to protect the main city. But shouldnt there be just a few men.
The way the women were protrayed, a lot of people are gunna think your a furry, and since 90% of the people that come to newgrounds are close minded little fucks who hate Furry just because they like to be Nazis, Your future works wont be appreciated for what they really are. Alot of people are gunna give you a bad vote just because.

I look foward to your next work. good luck with it.

its nice, but you still need some work.

I love how youve taken StarCraft and made your own spinoff of it.

Your 3d works are wonderful, But you definitely need work on the Organics... sorry to say but your zerg look absolutely horrendous and your humans dont look too much better either, the lip synching needs some work too. The unfortunate thing is i have almsot no experience with Flash, so the only good advice i can give is to practice on your organic things. try searching around for good references on the Zerg. cuz seriuosly your hydralisk looked like a giant slug... not a hydralisk.

I hope you heed my advice, taking more time to get the Lip synchs right could improve the overall quality of the flash a lot. Cant wait for the next installment.

LogFish responds:

I mean to do better freehand graphics in the next one - cheers!

very good!!! i love this!

i just read a review about this movie... the guy went on to say his 3 siblings went to other drugs through marijuana... being anti-marijuana and stuff about it.

heres a litttle something something for that guy. Marijuana becomes a gateway drug when you use it irresponisbly, and when you dont use your head to think about the consequences. i know over 15 people who do Pot, NONE of them do any other drugs. though 1 does smoke cigaretes. why? cuz they are responsible smart people. Pot does NOT make you dumber, how do i know this? cuz out of those 15 people, 12 of them still get GREAT grades(B's and up) in the school they go to. the other 3 are just idiots who dont care about school, and even if they didnt smoke pot they'd still not care about school. (they stopped smoking pot for 2 whole marking periods one time... there grades havent gone up at all, reason being that they still didnt care about any homework assignments or reports they were assigned)

my case and point here is Marijuana (just like alcohol, which BTW is great to use as a gateway drug thing. just get them drunk, then ask "hey want some meth?") when used responsibly is fine, and harmless. Alcohol is the same, when used responsibly, its harmless.

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19 Game Reviews


ive only made 2 gun flashes, one with a Sig sauer P250 and a spas12, This flash is superb, mostly because it helped me figure out what i did wrong, and what i did right.

Theres one thing i noticed i did that you didnt mention though. Its truly for the more "artistic" people, I hand draw my weapons first on paper, scan them, then Bitmap Trace them, its much more tedious, but if your a good artist (like me) the end result is pretty damn good.

This Flash was a HUGE help though, thankyou!

scrimpy responds:

Thank you.

i like this quite alot

in fact, i almost do the same thing on my Deviant account, the only difference is i animate what the guns look like while firing. i found this quite good, i read through some of the reviews and was disgusted with what some said, like that 1 guy that said all your info was wrong... pshhh id like to see what college he graduated from XD all your info is just fine. boy it made my day seeing the Bar and the beretta (my weapons of choice) this was really good, nice choice of music, and great job on the guns themselves, but i would suggest trying to find songs with a smaller size, this file is huge, only because of the music. i look foward to more. you get a style of 10, cuz no1 else takes time to actauly make something educational here on NG (if anything 99% of it makes you dumber)


hey man nice to see your still making flashes. sorry i havent stayed in contact with you. if ya still want me too, im still up for makign those models for you :D

David-Silver responds:

Good to hear man! I dunno what happened, I sort of... got hooked into game making, I haven't animated in awhile. But hey, at least check out my other stuff, this is my alt account, for the less good things. True_Darkness is my real account. I forgot the password to my msn so that is why I haven't been on =[



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